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Admins: Reporting Capabilities for the Journey ADMS

Find out what data can be reported out of ADMS for Journey Admins.

Updated over a week ago

How to Pull the Username Report

The Username Report lists the usernames for Journey users.

Step 1 – Log in to your ADMS account.

Step 2 – Click the Administration tab at the top of the page.

Step 3 – Click User Name Report.

Step 4 - Select Product

Step 5 – Select the criteria for Organization Details and User Details. If you have a district level ADMS account, you will be able to select one or multiple sites.

Step 6 - Click the + sign next to All Ethnicities or All Graduation Years to expand the selection further.

Step 7 – Click View Report.

Step 8 – You have now generated the username report. This report can also be sorted by selecting any of the header titles in the blue bar.

Step 9 - You can print this list or export it to CSV using the buttons at the top.

How to Pull the Core Report for Assessment Insights

The Core Report in Kuder ADMS is used to get data on users that have taken the assessments.

Step 1 - When logged into your administrative account select the Reports tab.

Step 2 - Select Core from the left of the screen.

Step 3 - Select Advanced Options.

Step 4 - Select the product as Kuder Navigator and the cluster (National/Holland). Your site should already be checked so you do not need to select State or County.

*If you have a district admin account, you can select the plus icon next to site, and expand to choose a specific school/site.

Step 5 - Select the User Details.

Step 6 - Select Assessment Details. You can select the plus icon under the assessment option to select a specific National Cluster/Holland Code/Work Value. This will provide users that have that selection as their top result based on the selected assessment.

Step 7 - Select Date Range for when the users completed the assessments. By selecting Other, you can choose any date range.

Step 8 - The section for Display Options will only be used if you select the Aggregate Report option.

Step 9 - Select the report option you would like.

  • Individual Report - This option will show an individual list of users who match the criteria you selected. You can select the action button to view their assessment results.

  • One Page Summaries - This option will take you to a page where you can select a set of summaries to review. You will be given the option to View the One Page Summaries of your users’ assessment results in batches of 40 (given that you have that many students).

    Once you click View, a new tab will open, and you can mass print the users’ one-page summaries. The summary will include the most recent assessment completed for each assessment Kuder offers.

  • Aggregate Report - This option will show a number of users that match your criteria based on the Display Options that are selected.

  • Top Three Report - This option will provide a list of users and their top three cluster results based on their most recent assessment. Selecting the blue button will give a more detailed list of the user’s pathway and National Cluster results.

Step 10 - On most of the report options, you can find a Print Preview or Export to CSV (Excel file) at the top of the page.

Step 11 - To update your criteria when viewing report results, scroll towards the bottom to click the Update Criteria button.

**If using the One Page Summary option, you will need to select your browser's "back" button to update the criteria.

Helpful Tips:

  • You can sort the list of users by clicking the column headers.

  • When printing the assessment results, make sure your background graphics are enabled in your printer settings.

  • Users input their Graduation Year when they register or log in for the first time. Users can check to ensure their graduation year is correct in their Account Settings.

  • Education Level is either shared via Clever, or users need to update their education level each year in their Account Settings.

How to Pull the Registration Report

Use the Registration Report to find the users who have registered for an account within a certain date range.

Step 1 – Log into your administrator account.

Step 2 – Click the Reports tab at the top of the page.

Step 3 - Click Registration in the Activity Progress Reports box.

Step 4 – Select Kuder Journey as your product and enter the date range you would like to view the report for.

Step 5 – Click Individual report.

You will now see a report of all users who registered in the date range you selected!

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