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Pre-Assessment Family Letter

Utilize this templated pre-assessment letter to alert families about the resources students have available to spark conversation.

Updated over 6 months ago

Keeping families in the loop about their child’s career development journey is essential when it comes to student success. We’ve found that families are often most interested in learning about assessments and how to make the most of assessment results. The letters below, which can be sent via email or direct mail, provide an easy way to keep everyone informed.


[SCHOOL OR ORGANIZATION NAME] is committed to helping students prepare for the future and to providing resources to foster their success. We believe that when students are given the opportunity to learn about careers, they are better able to connect coursework to the world of work and set goals for themselves. To this end, we offer Kuder Navigator® (Navigator) [OR SYSTEM NAME], an online system combining assessment, education and occupation exploration and planning, workforce preparation, and more.

Through Kuder’s research-based assessments, the system opens the door to continued exploration by presenting direct links to career opportunities, postsecondary options, financial aid information, and other resources. With this information, learning becomes more exciting, and your child will better understand the future possibilities.

Here is a brief introduction to the Kuder Assessments:

Kuder Career Interests Assessment®

Helps children discover career interests by measuring everyday activities he or she enjoys most.

Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment®
This is a highly reliable self-estimate of a student’s ability to perform work-related tasks.

Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised
This assessment helps students determine which work characteristics and features of occupations are most important to him or her.

Assessment results align with career clusters and pathways in rank order, promoting occupation exploration with the greatest opportunity for satisfaction and success. You can play an important role in your child’s career development. The system offers opportunities for your involvement, including a parent account and other resources that will be shared with you soon. As a first step, please encourage your child to show you his or her online assessment results and review the related options together. As you discuss plans, help your child set goals for their future.

I anticipate having students complete assessments on [DATE]. In the meantime, if you have questions or would like additional details about Kuder’s assessments, read about them here or contact me anytime.




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