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Staff Awareness Email Template
Staff Awareness Email Template

Use content below to notify educators and staff via email of the decision to implement the Kuder career planning system.

Updated over a week ago

Use content below to notify educators and staff — either via email or printed letter — of the decision to implement a Kuder career planning system. Encourage them to spread the word via social media!




SUBJECT: Introducing academic planning and career development system from Kuder

[ORGANIZATION NAME] has selected Kuder, Inc. (Kuder) to provide its career information and decision-making system. Kuder’s award-winning, comprehensive, online resources have been proven effective at helping students and adults plan for and achieve lifelong career success. To date, over 165 million people worldwide have used Kuder’s career assessment, education planning, and guidance resources to help visualize which industry or career, field of study, or school to pursue next in life.

By choosing Kuder, [ORGANIZATION NAME] is confident that the [STUDENTS/INDIVIDUALS] we serve will be able to unlock the power of their own potential and create a bright future. Specific goals and objectives [ORGANIZATION NAME] will achieve with Kuder include:


Soon you will receive information regarding [EDIT LIST BELOW AS APPROPRIATE]:

  • System transition and training assistance available to staff.

  • Access to the system.

  • Best practices related to generating system awareness and participation.

  • Technical and support services from Kuder.

Thank you for your continued dedication to improving education and helping ensure the academic and career success of those we serve.




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