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Students: How to Take Assessments in Navigator

Kuder Navigator offers three assessments to help narrow the search and consider options that may not have previously been considered.

Updated over 3 months ago

Kuder Career Interests Assessment

(Available for 6th - 12th grades)

Step 1 - Log into Kuder Navigator.

Step 2 - Once signed in, click the Take Assessments tab in the left-hand navigation.

Step 3 - Start with the Kuder Career Interests Assessment by clicking the Begin or Re-Take button.

Step 4 - It may ask to select the highest level of education you expect to achieve. If it does not, move on the Step 5.

Step 5 - For the Interests Assessment, you will rate each activity on how much you would like or dislike the activity.

Step 6 - After you rate each activity on the page, click the Next button to move to the next page.

*The assessment may take about 10 minutes to complete.

Step 7 - Once you complete the assessment, it will display your Top Career Pathways.

Step 8 - On this page, there are many options to begin exploring the pathways, career clusters, occupations, majors, and more based on your assessment results.

*You can also view your results by National Career Cluster Ranking or Print Report.

Step 9 - Take some time to explore and favorite topics that you are most interested in by clicking the star button.

Then continue to Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment, if available. Or continue to Steps 10 and 11 below.

Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment

(Available for 7th - 12th grades)

Step 1 - Go to (or the school/organization's custom landing page) and use the Login with Clever or the green Log In button.

Step 2 - Once signed in, click the Take an Assessment tab in the left-hand navigation.

Step 3 - Select the Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment by clicking the Begin or Re-Take button.

Step 4 - It may ask to select the highest level of education you expect to achieve. If it does not, move on to Step 5.

Step 5 - For the Skills Confidence Assessment, you will rate each activity on how confident you are in completing the task.

*Do not rate based on if you would like the task or not.

Step 6 - After you rate each activity on the page, click the Next button to move to the next page.

*The assessment may take about 10 minutes to complete.

Step 7 - Once you complete the assessment, it will display your Top Career Pathways.

Step 8 - On this page, there are many options to begin exploring the pathways, career clusters, occupations, majors, and more based on your skills.

*You can also view your results by National Career Cluster Ranking or Print Report

Step 9 - Take some time to explore and favorite topics that you are most interested in by clicking the star button.

Then continue to Super's Work Values Inventory, if available. Or continue to Steps 10 and 11 below.

Super's Work Values Inventory

(Available for 9th - 12th grades)

Step 1 - Go to (or the school/organization's custom landing page) and use the Login with Clever or the green Log In button.

Step 2 - Once signed in, click the Take an Assessment tab in the left-hand navigation.

Step 3 - Select the Super's Work Values Inventory by clicking the Begin or Re-Take button.

Step 4 - It may ask you to select the highest level of education you expect to achieve. If it does not, move on to Step 5.

Step 5 - For the Work Values Assessment, you will rate each item on how important it is for you to have in a career.

Step 6 - After you rate each activity on the page, click the Next button to move to the next page.

*The assessment may take about 10 minutes to complete.

Step 7 - Once you complete the assessment, it will display your work values ranking.

Step 8 - On this page, you can explore each work value to learn more by clicking on the value name or explore occupations based on your work values by clicking the Occupations to Explore tab.

Step 9 - Take some time to explore and favorite topics that you are most interested in by clicking the star button.

Then continue to Steps 10 and 11 below.

Step 10 - Once you take all assessments available, you can use the Explore Occupations tab to further explore occupations.

Step 11 - The Occupations Suggested by Assessment Results tab is where you can compare the assessments completed and all occupations based on your interests, skills, and work values.

Helpful Tips:

  • If you would like a larger list of occupations based on assessment results, it is recommended to update your Education Level filter in the Filter Options.

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