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Educators: How to Use Course Manager for Ed Plans

Course Manager allows administrators to upload courses for students to use in creating their education plans within Navigator.

Updated over a week ago

What is Course Manager?

Course Manager allows district administrators and local administrators to upload course libraries for students to use in the creation of education plans as part of their career-focused exercises in Navigator.

​Where do I set up Course Manager?

Course Manager can be setup by navigating to the Configure Student Plans on left-hand menu and selecting Course Manager on Kuder Navigator - Admins. District Administrators and Local Administrators are the only roles with access to configure course manager.

Note: This feature is not available for districts that receive their courses from the state.

Steps to Set Up New Course Manager Data

Important Note: This is only for new course manager files, if you are making updates to your courses, please see the directions below for Steps to Update Existing Course Manager Data.

  1. On the left-hand navigation select Configure Student Plans

  2. Select Course Manager

  3. Select your District or School

  4. To make sure your new library is formatted correctly, a template CSV is provided within the course manager interface to download. Note: Do not make any changes to the column headings provided in the template otherwise you may experience errors during the upload process.

    1. Course Category

      1. Course category is the most general designation of courses. Categories
        then have subject areas assigned to them based on the course manager
        file that is imported.

      2. Examples: Core, Electives, Career & Technical

      3. 50 Character Limit

    2. Course Subject Area

      1. The course subject area is the specific type of credit that the course
        gives the student. We recommend that each subject area only be assigned to one course category.

      2. Examples: English, Math, Science, Physical Education

      3. 50 Character Limit

    3. Area of Study

      1. Areas of study can be used in a multitude of ways as a filter to help students find desired courses. When creating an ed plan they can select an area of study based on a career cluster or pathway they are interested in, the high school they are attending, a general area that can be used to show all courses or any other designation that can be helpful.

      2. Examples: Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, Health Science, West High School, East High School, General Education, All Areas of Study

      3. 50 Character Limit

    4. Course Number

      1. The course number can be used by students to search for a course or to
        make certain they are selecting the correct course. Each value must be
        unique to each course, duplicates will cause an error on import. Please
        add extra information to make course values unique.

      2. Examples: The same course offered for multiple semesters: BIO1001-
        SPRING and BIO1001-FALL, the same course at multiple locations (add
        location abbreviation): ALG200-WHS and ALG200-EHS

      3. 50 Character Limit

    5. Course Title

      1. The course title can be used by students to search for a course or to
        make certain they are selecting the correct course. This is also where a
        course can be labeled to give more information about the course.

      2. Examples: AP Calculus, Introduction to Business – SPRING ONLY, History
        of Motion Pictures – DC (Dual Credit)

      3. 50 Character Limit

        1. NOTE: Special characters to avoid to ensure proper import are (ampersand)&, (single quote)', (comma), , (parenthesis) (), (pipe)|, (semicolon); , (ampersand)@, leading spaces, trailing spaces, double spaces, carriage returns, and line feeds.

    6. Number of Credits

      1. The number of credits can include positive integers and decimals
        including zero.

    7. Minimum Grade

      1. The minimum grade is the grade at which the student can first select the
        class to be taken on their ed plan.

      2. Example: A course set with a minimum of 10th will not be available to be
        added to any year prior to the 10th grade section of the ed plan.

      3. Minimum Value: 6, Maximum Value: 12

    8. Maximum Grade

      1. The maximum grade is the grade at which the student can select the class
        for the last time on their ed plan.

      2. Example: A course set with a maximum of 10th will not be available to be
        added to any year after the 10th grade section of the ed plan.

      3. Minimum Value: 6, Maximum Value: 12

  5. Once you have added your courses and saved the file to your computer as a CSV, you can upload the course library for your district or school.

  6. Select Process File

  7. The following information was extracted while processing the CSV file provided. Check
    these items for accuracy before publishing the library for student use. Any corrections
    should be made to the original CSV file and reprocessed.

  8. Click back to return and update CSV file accordingly or select Publish if the Courses have been reviewed and finalized.

Steps to Update Existing Course Manager Data

Important Note: It is suggested that the course manager data be updated only after all students have submitted their current education plans and those plans have been approved by an admin. Once a new template is uploaded, the student must create a new ed plan to capture the new template and data. Old ed plans should no longer be copied or edited to ensure course data is valid and consistent for all students.

  1. On the left-hand navigation select Configure Student Plans

  2. Select Course Manager

  3. Select your District or School

  4. Download the existing course file using the download button under the Published Library.

    1. Note: Do not make any changes to the column headings provided in the template otherwise you may experience errors during the upload process.

    2. Note: When uploading a new data set that includes changes to Course Category or the Subject Area, education plans that have been started using the previous dataset will no longer be available to edit. This is to ensure that all current plans are based off the most recent course library and to protect the data integrity of the education plans.

      1. Course Category

        1. Course category is the most general designation of courses. Categories
          then have subject areas assigned to them based on the course manager
          file that is imported.

        2. Examples: Core, Electives, Career & Technical

        3. 50 Character Limit

      2. Course Subject Area

        1. The course subject area is the specific type of credit that the course
          gives the student. We recommend that each subject area only be assigned to one course category.

        2. Examples: English, Math, Science, Physical Education, Fine Arts

        3. 50 Character Limit

      3. Area of Study

        1. Areas of study can be used in a multitude of ways as a filter to help students find desired courses. When creating an ed plan they can select an area of study based on a career cluster or pathway they are interested in, the high school they are attending, a general area that can be used to show all courses or any other designation that can be helpful.

        2. Examples: Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, Health Science, West High School, East High School, General Education, All Areas of Study

        3. 50 Character Limit

      4. Course Number

        1. The course number can be used by students to search for a course or to
          make certain they are selecting the correct course. Each value must be
          unique to each course, duplicates will cause an error on import. Please
          add extra information to make course values unique.

        2. Examples: The same course offered for multiple semesters: use BIO1001-
          SPRING and BIO1001-FALL. The same course at multiple locations (add
          location abbreviation): use ALG200-WHS and ALG200-EHS.

        3. 50 Character Limit

      5. Course Title

        1. The course title can be used by students to search for a course or to
          make certain they are selecting the correct course. This is also where a
          course can be labeled to give more information about the course.

        2. Examples: AP Calculus, Introduction to Business – SPRING ONLY, History
          of Motion Pictures – DC (Dual Credit)

        3. 50 Character Limit

          1. NOTE: Special characters to avoid to ensure proper import are (ampersand)&, (dash)-, (single quote)', (comma), , (parenthesis) (), (pipe)|, (semicolon); , (ampersat)@, leading spaces, trailing spaces, double spaces, carriage returns, and line feeds.

      6. Number of Credits

        1. The number of credits can include positive integers and decimals
          including zero. Can not be left blank.

      7. Minimum Grade

        1. The minimum grade is the grade at which the student can first select the
          class to be taken on their ed plan.

        2. Example: A course set with a minimum of 10th will not be available to be
          added to any year prior to the 10th grade section of the ed plan.

        3. Minimum Value: 6, Maximum Value: 12, Can not be left blank.

      8. Maximum Grade

        1. The maximum grade is the grade at which the student can select the class
          for the last time on their ed plan.

        2. Example: A course set with a maximum of 10th will not be available to be
          added to any year after the 10th grade section of the ed plan.

        3. Minimum Value: 6, Maximum Value: 12, Can not be left blank.

  5. Once you have added your courses and saved the file to your computer as a CSV, you can upload the course library for your district or school.

  6. Select Process File

  7. The following information was extracted while processing the CSV file provided. Check
    these items for accuracy before publishing the library for student use. Any corrections
    should be made to the original CSV file and reprocessed.

  8. Click back to return and update CSV file accordingly or select Publish if the Courses have been reviewed and finalized.


​Q: What happens if I load data at a school level and also load data at the district level?

A: Data loaded at the district level will not push down to the school with existing data. When a school loads course data, it breaks away from the district level data.

Q: How do I clear course data for my school?

A: Download your existing course data and make updates to your courses. Uploading and publishing a new spreadsheet of course data will clear all old course data at your school.

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