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Educators: How to Pull Assessment Reports

Learn how to pull assessment result reports from the Kuder Navigator® admin experience.

Updated over a week ago

View this video for an overview of the reporting capabilities within the admin experience or follow the step-by-step instructions below.

How to Review Assessment Report Options

  1. Navigate to Reporting Home

  2. View Insights based on each assessment or scroll down to Reports

  3. Select Assessment Summary to view the aggregate summary of student assessment outcomes

  4. You can toggle between the three assessments: Career Interest, Skills Confidence, of Super's Work Values

    1. The Career Interest and Skills Confidence reports can then be filtered by National Career Clusters or Holland Codes

    2. All reports can be filtered by date range, school, or group

    3. You can also click on a particular line within the graph to see which specific students had that result and use that information to easily create a group

Viewing assessment result trends can be used to guide the following actions:

  • Inviting local businesses related to each vocation to speak with student groups or as part of a larger career day initiative.

  • Broadening invitations for colleges, vocational schools, or trade programs to attend college days at your school.

  • Sharing trending assessment results with your school’s CTE directors to help guide course expansion in the future.

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