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Educators: How to Create Custom Grad Plan Cards

Learn how to create graduation plans that align with your district's graduation requirements within the Kuder Navigator admin experience.

Updated over 4 months ago

What is the Graduation Plan Feature?

Graduation Plan is a comprehensive tool to help support and manage tasks students need to complete at each grade level or prior to graduation. District Admin and Local Admin have the ability to customize these tasks to meet their state or district needs while providing data they need to monitor and direct student progress.

How to Create a Graduation Plan

​Important Note: Only District Admins and Local Admins have the ability to configure Graduation Plans.

  1. On the left-hand navigation select Configure Student Plans

  2. Select Configure Graduation Plan

  3. Select the Organization in which to load the Grad Plan.

    1. Select the District if you want it to populate to all schools in the district

    2. Select an individual school to create a new plan that will only be available for that school

  4. Select Start a New Plan

    1. If Continue with Existing Plan is available please be sure to review before you create a new plan as the new plan will replace the existing plan

  5. Fill in the required fields

    1. The Graduation Plan Title creates a custom name for the Graduation Plan at your school on the student side

    2. Graduation Plan Grades allows selection of the grades for tasks to be assigned

    3. Graduation Plan Description can be used to explain purpose of the graduation plan to a student

  6. Hit Submit

  7. Review Standard Plan Tasks

    1. Standard Cards are cards that will fill in automatically for a student when they complete the needed action in Kuder Navigator

    2. Look over each of the nine default cards to view tasks available

      1. Personal Information

      2. Assessment Results

      3. College and Scholarship Applications

      4. Education Plan

      5. External Assessments

      6. Favorites

      7. Goals

      8. Job Search Tool

      9. Options After High School

  8. Turn the card on by selecting the pencil to edit

  9. Turn on a task by selecting the enable box or turning the Enabled flag to On

  10. Select when you would like to have the student complete the task either by Grade(s) or Before Graduation

    1. Some tasks only allow 'Before Graduation'

    2. Multiple grades can be selected

  11. Add a custom card for any tasks not included in the standard cards by selecting New Custom Card

    1. Fill in required fields

      1. Card Name can be used to group a set of tasks you would like to add, Ex: WBL Activities

      2. Card Description can be used to provide an explanation on the group of tasks

      3. Select New Task (One Task is required to save the custom card)

        1. Name the task

        2. Turn on the task by turning the Enabled flag to On

        3. Select when you would like to have the student complete the task either by Grade(s) or Before Graduation

      4. Repeat for up to 15 tasks

  12. Repeat for all needed Custom Cards

  13. Review the graduation task timeline by selecting Plan Timeline

  14. Select Graduation Plan Settings

  15. Select Submit to save progress

  16. A green box will appear, confirming your Grad Plan was published. You can also see the last published date under the Blue Button Graduation Plan Settings.

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