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Educators: How to Use Navigator for Parchment Requests

Learn how counselors and teachers can use Parchment in Kuder Navigator for Admins.

Updated over a week ago

What is Parchment?

Parchment allows students to request transcripts and recommendations be sent to selected schools and track progress of applications. Parchment is available as an integration for Kuder Navigator®. Parchment is used most often for schools that do not accept Common App for college applications.

How to Use the Parchment Request Report

  1. Select College Planning on the left-hand menu

  2. Select Parchment Requests from the drop-down

  3. Sort the requests by the School drop-down

  4. Filter the requests using the Filter button

    1. Grade Level

    2. Status

      1. Pending: Waiting on Admin to Send the Request

      2. Sent: Transcript Request Sent to Parchment

      3. Rejected: School Admin Rejected Request

      4. Processed: Parchment Accepted & Started Processing the Request

      5. Denied: Parchment Denied the Request

      6. Delivered: Transcript Delivered to School

    3. Request Type

      1. Letter of Recommendation

      2. Transcript - Final

      3. Transcript

  5. Search for the Student Name using the Magnifying Glass icon

How to Send Transcripts

  1. Select College Planning on the left-hand menu

  2. Select Parchment Requests from the drop-down

  3. Select your school from the Schools drop-down

  4. Filter listed requests by:

    1. Status - Pending

    2. Request Type - Transcript - Final / Transcript

  5. Select the Browse and Upload icon

  6. Drag and Drop the file or Click to Upload

  7. Select Upload

  8. The Request Status will update from Pending to Sent

  9. Once the Transcript is sent successfully, the Status will update from Sent to Delivered and the Document ID will become a downloadable receipt

How to Send Letters of Recommendation

  1. Select College Planning on the left-hand menu

  2. Select Parchment Requests from the drop-down

  3. Select your school from the Schools drop-down

  4. Filter listed requests by:

    1. Status - Pending

    2. Request Type - Letter of Recommendation

  5. Select the Browse and Upload icon

  6. Drag and Drop the file or Click to Upload

  7. Select Upload

  8. The Request Status will update from Pending to Sent

  9. Once the Letter of Recommendation is sent successfully, the Status will update from Sent to Delivered and the Document ID will become a downloadable receipt

How to View Receipt of Delivery

  1. Select College Planning on the left-hand menu

  2. Select Parchment Requests from the drop-down

  3. Select your school from the Schools drop-down

  4. Filter listed requests by:

    1. Status - Delivered

  5. Select the Hyperlinked Document ID to download the receipt of delivery

  6. Open the file that downloads

How to Deny Parchment Requests

The request types of Transcript, Transcript - Final, and Letter of Recommendation can be denied by an educator, if needed.

  1. Select College Planning on the left-hand menu

  2. Select Parchment Requests from the drop-down

  3. Select your school from the Schools drop-down

  4. Filter listed requests by:

    1. Status - Pending

  5. Select the Deny Request icon

  6. Enter a Comment on reasoning behind the denial of the request

  7. Select Deny

  8. The Request Status will update from Pending to Denied

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