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Educators: How to Use Form Management

Form Management is a feature in Navigator that allows educators to build and send forms to students, parents and other contacts.

Updated over a week ago

What is Form Management?

Form Management is an additional feature in Navigator for collecting and organizing information. It is a structured document with spaces allotted for entering data, whether it's for administrative purposes, data gathering, or record-keeping. Forms have the ability to standardize and streamline data collection.

How to Build a Form

This is a basic instructional guide on how to create a form. Please see the additional sections on what types of information and data collection types that are offered.

  1. Select Additional Resources in the left-hand menu

  2. Select Form Management from the drop-down

  3. Select Create Form from the top righthand of the page

  4. Select the Audience that you would like to receive the form

    1. Students

    2. Parents

    3. Both

  5. Select Create Form

  6. Name your form using the Form Title

  7. Select Save Form

  8. Adjust Form Settings to change response options and layout.

  9. Add Questions or Selections to your Form (See the Content and Collect Input sections for more information)

  10. Use the Preview Tab to see what the respondent will see while they are completing the form.

  11. Update Form

Important Note: Once a form has been sent, it can no longer be edited.

How to Adjust Form Settings

A form can be customized using the Form Settings to change the look and feel of the form for the respondents.


  • Form Title

  • Form Description

  • Make the Title and Description Visible (Yes or No)

  • Select a Form Language

  • Form Display Mode (Editable or Read-Only)

  • Limit to One Response (Ignore - Already Built into Navigator Forms)

  • Survey Width Mode

    • Static - Sets a Fixed Width

    • Responsive - Makes the Form Occupy the width of the screen

    • Auto - Applies to either of the two depending on the question type used

Logo in the Form Header

  • Form Logo (Select File or Paste File Link)

  • Logo Width

  • Logo Height

  • Logo Fit

    • None 0 Image Maintains its original size

    • Contain - Image is Resized to Fit While Maintaining Its Aspect Ratio

    • Cover - Image Fills the Entire Box While Maintaining Its Aspect Ratio

    • Fill - Image is Stretched to Fit Without Maintaining Its Aspect Ratio


  • Form Layout

    • Original Structure

    • Show All Questions on One Page

    • Show Single Question Per Page

  • First Page is a Start Page (Yes or No)

  • Auto Advance to the Next Page (Yes or No)

    • Advances automatically after a respondent has completed all questions on the page.

  • Show/Hide Navigation Buttons

    • Hidden

    • Top (Location Buttons Appear)

    • Bottom (Location Buttons Appear)

    • Both (Location Buttons Appear)

  • Show the "Previous Page" Button (Yes or No)

  • Progress Bar Alignment

    • Hidden

    • Auto

    • Above the Header

    • Below the Header

    • Bottom

    • Top and Bottom

Question Settings

  • Question Order (Original or Random)

  • Question Title Alignment (Top, Bottom or Left)

  • Question Description Alignment

    • Under the Input Field

    • Under the Title

  • Question Numbering

    • Auto-Numbering

    • Reset on Each Page

    • No Numbering

  • Question Title Pattern

    • '1. Question Title*'

    • '1. *Question Title'

    • '1. Question Title'

  • Required Symbol(s)

    • A symbol or sequence of symbols indicating that an answer is required.

    • Typically just '*'

  • Question Indexing Type

    • Enter a number or a letter with which you want to start numbering.

  • Error Message Alignment (Top or Bottom)

  • Focus First Question on a New Page (Yes or No)

  • Restrict Answer Length

  • Restrict Comment Length

  • Comment Area Height (in Lines)

  • Auto-Expand Text Areas (Yes or No)

  • Allow Users to Resize Text Areas (Yes or No)

  • Grid Layout Enabled (Yes or No)


  • Pages

    • Use to add and delete pages as well as rename the pages of the form.

  • Show Page Titles (Yes or No)

  • Show Page Numbers (Yes or No)


  • Custom Variables

    • Custom Variables serve as intermediate or auxiliary variables used in form calculations. They take respondent inputs as source values. Each custom variable has a unique name and an expression it's based on.

    • An expression is a read-only question type used to dynamically calculate values based on user input or predefined variables and display the calculated values in your form or survey.

  • Triggers

    • A trigger is an event or condition that is based on an expression. Once the expression is evaluated to "true", a trigger sets off an action. Such an action can optionally have a target question it affects.

    • Trigger Action Types: Complete Form, Set Answer, Copy Answer, Skip to Question, and Run Expression


  • Clear Hidden Question Values

    • Never

    • Upon Form Completion

    • When Question Gets Hidden

    • When Question or its Panel/Page Gets Hidden

  • Update Input Field Values

    • On Lost Focus

    • While Typing

  • Auto-Save Form Progress on Page Change (Yes or No)

  • Save the "Other" Option Value as a Separate Property (Yes or No)


  • Set Focus on the First Invalid Answer (Yes or No)

  • Run Validation

    • When Switching to the Next Page

    • After an Answer is Changed (Recommended)

    • Upon Form Completion

  • Validate Empty Fields on Lost Focus (Yes or No)

"Thank You" Page

  • Redirect to an External Link After Submission (Paste Link)

  • Dynamic External Link (Expression with Link)

  • Show the "Thank You" Page

  • "Thank You" Page Markup (Thank you Message)

  • Markup to Show While Form Model is Loading

  • Markup to Show if the User Already Filled Out the Form

Quiz Mode

  • Time Limit to Complete the Form (Seconds)

  • Time Limit to Complete One Page (Seconds)

  • Timer Alignment (Hidden, Top or Bottom)

  • Timer Mode (Page, Form, or Both)

How to Create Content

There are two types of content that can be added to a form to add addition context to users on purpose, informational diagrams or videos, disclosures or other required information.


Paragraph can be used to add a block of informational text or instructions to a form to help users complete the form. After it has been added to the form, a section on the left opens that has text formatting tools. From here you can name your paragraph and add and form the text.


The Image content type allows users to add videos, logos, diagrams, or other needed information to a form. After it has been added to the form, a section on the left opens that has image or video formatting tools.

How to Collect Input

There are six types of questions that can be used to collect input from respondents. Each can be set to required or can have conditions to have additional responses appear based on answers.

Short Answer

Short Answer text entry form fields are designed for open-ended questions that have short answers. You can also require that respondents enter specific values, such as an e-mail address.

  • Input Type Options: Color, Date, Date and Time, Email, Month, Number, Password, Range, Phone Number, Text, Time, URL, Week

  • Use the settings panel to format paragraph text to get desired output or make the question required.

Long Answer

A Long Answer text question is a multi-line text input field that allows users to give detailed responses and share their feelings, experiences, or opinions on a subject.

Yes/No (Boolean)

A Yes/No, or Boolean, question asks respondents to select between two options: yes or no, true or false, etc. Boolean questions can be used to implement conditional survey logic or as standalone questions. A comment box can also be added for when you would like an explanation on why Yes or No can not be selected.

  • Use the settings panel to adjust the selections instead of Yes or No, make the question required, or add a comment area text.


A drop-down menu allows respondents to select a single or multiple answers from a list of choices.

  • Use the settings panel to adjust the selections, make the question required, or add a comment area text for other options.

Radio Button Group

A radio button group allows respondents to select an answer from a set of options.

  • Use the settings panel to adjust the selections, make the question required, or add a comment area text for other options.


A built-in signature capture widget allows your respondents to add a digital signature to a web form that they fill out.

  • Use the settings panel to adjust the storage format (PNG, JPEG, SVG), make the question required, or adjust the signature area size.

How to Send a New Form

Important Note: Once a form has been sent, it can no longer be edited.

  1. Select Additional Resources in the left-hand menu

  2. Select Form Management from the drop-down

  3. Select the name of the form needing sent

  4. Navigate to Send Form

  5. Select the Students or Parents

    1. Filter by School

    2. Filter by Group

    3. Filter by Grade Level

    4. Select the box to the left of their name

  6. Select Send Form

  7. Enter a Subject (Max 100 Characters)

  8. Enter a Message (Max 500 Characters)

  9. Select Send Form

  10. Form will be sent using: Your Name <>

How to Add Recipients to an Existing Form

  1. Select Additional Resources in the left-hand menu

  2. Select Form Management from the drop-down

  3. Select the name of the form needing sent

  4. Select Add More Recipients

  5. Select the Students or Parents

    1. Filter by School

    2. Filter by Group

    3. Filter by Grade Level

    4. Select the box to the left of their name

  6. Select Send Form

  7. Enter a Subject (Max 100 Characters)

  8. Enter a Message (Max 500 Characters)

  9. Select Send Form

  10. Form will be sent using: Your Name <>

How to View Completed Forms

  1. Select Additional Resources in the left-hand menu

  2. Select Form Management from the drop-down

  3. Select the name of the sent form

  4. Navigate to Recipients

  5. Select In Progress or Completed to filter recipients

    1. In Progress - Has Not Completed the Form

    2. Completed - Has Completed the Form

  6. Use the Download button next to Filter to download a list of respondents

How to View Results of Completed Forms

  1. Select Additional Resources in the left-hand menu

  2. Select Form Management from the drop-down

  3. Select the name of the sent form

  4. Navigate to Results

  5. Select Excel or CSV to download the completed list of respondents and their answers

  6. Select a name of a respondent to view a printable version of the results


Who will be able to view and send the forms that I have built?

Only the user that built the form has the ability to view and send the form.

How do I get access to build forms in Kuder Navigator?

Please reach out to the support team or your partner relationship manager for more information.

Customer Support

Available Monday โ€“ Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., CST.

Call us at 877.999.6227

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